INTRODUCTION In today’s digital age, generating passive income has become a popular and achievable goal for many indiv...
How Scratch Card Technique Employs Customer Engagement in a Hypermarket? Hypermarkets are a new and growing phenomenon i...
The Impact of Scratch Card Strategy on Customer Experience in Mobile Shops Technological advancements have simplified ou...
How Does a Textile Use the Scratch Card Method to Engage Customers? The textile industry primarily deals with the design...
Stationery is one of India’s oldest and most popular industries. It is a low-cost venture with significant growth ...
Improving customer experience is vital in today’s competitive business field. Scratch card gifting is an innovativ...
Can you imagine a life without mobile and WhatsApp? WhatsApp is the most widely used mobile messaging app globally. Peop...
Customer relations are the methods a company employs to interact with its customers and improve the customer experience....
An Android point of sale (DotPOS) system is essentially a wireless, portable cash register for Android-powered smartphon...
Due to the digitalisation of modern life over the past few years, e-commerce websites are now a crucial part of the worl...